
We have all necessary tools and experience to develop mobile applications and we are ready to share our knowledge with our clients. To effectively achieve the goals of the project, immersion into the process is a must.

Most of the problems can be avoided if the client has a general idea of the specifics of mobile development.

Not to worry though, we are not asking you to study Objective C, Swift, or Java. We just invite you to a small immersion.


Collection of initial information, analysis (briefing)

The analysis of business requirements of the project for the purposes of the client’s tactical situation allows us to offer the optimal solution within the project budget. To get a mutual and clear understanding of the project objectives and implementation methods before the project is started, we formalize the initial functional requirements of the project that reflect its key aspects (strategic goals, objectives of the current stage, specifics of the audience, informational needs of its segments, potential content, design and more). As a result of the analysis, we get a better understanding of what is reasonable to launch at the current stage: the creation of a clickable prototype, MVP, or comprehensive development of a mobile application.


02 Designing the Project (html prototyping and technical specification)

The development of a clickable html-prototype of the future mobile application will be performed by an interface architect. The prototype allows seeing the proposed navigational and informational model of the application in terms of usability of the future interface and availability of all necessary services and sections. Based on this stage, the client gets a clear understanding of the final product. Moreover, the project prototype allows for a very precise assessment of the scope and terms of works on the project and a material reduction of implementation risks. The developed prototype forms the basis for the terms of reference (specification) of the project, which is the main document regulating the scope of works on the project. Commonly, when the client has no understanding of the final list of functional requirements and the project implies a large scope of development, we propose to start the project with the html-prototyping without entering into a contract for the entire cycle of development.


Developing the Interface Design

When developing an interface design, our basic principle is to study the competitive environment and similar projects while strictly following development procedures. The design of application screens is performed in steps on the basis of the created and approved html-prototype. Fist of all, we analyze projects of our competitors and foreign counterparts and discuss the identified situation with the client; then we develop several essentially different draft interfaces. After that, on the basis of the chosen direction, we created the application screens design on a step-by-step basis. The static screens design is also brought into the clickable prototype format to re-test the solution before starting to build the application. We keep track of the mobile development market and its trends and share our experience with clients, since all this allows us to create products compliant with the latest market requirements and our clients’ preferences.


Building (programming)

As soon as the design is approved, we start to develop the application layout and build the application. When developing projects, we use the Agile ideology; i.e. a flexible iterative approach to the projects development process. This methodology is aimed at minimizing the risks by narrowing the development process down to a series of short cycles named iterations. As a result of each iteration the client is provided with an interim build of the application that can be installed on their device. Thus, we involve the clients into the process that does not require their direct participation, and give them the opportunity to see the interim development results and make necessary corrections before the application building stage is finished.



Mobile application testing is the last and one of the most complicated project stages where we reveal and fix all bugs in operation of final product scripts. A group of QA experts will practice all possible behaviors of application users, while the testing process itself includes two key stages. At first, the project developer runs a basic check of typical scripts according to the checklists. Then the build goes to the tester who will run a comprehensive check of the application according to test cases prepared on the basis of the terms of reference. Sometimes, some hidden defects can appear well after the application is launched. All bugs and errors are fixed free of charge on a priority basis. We offer the final product with a one-year warranty. This condition is included in the development contract. Additionally, any project implementation includes a three-month warranty providing an opportunity to introduce any changes to the application, as long as they do not affect its basic architecture.



Upon completion of the works, we deliver all application builds to the client so they can independently launch the applications on the corresponding platforms (AppStore, Google Play, and Market Place). However, if the clients have no resources to launch it on their own, we can take the project release upon ourselves. We can independently undergo the procedure of registering accounts for both legal entities and individuals. The applications publishing procedure also includes the stage of platforms moderation, and we take all communications in this regard upon ourselves as well. The project is only considered completed upon publishing.

Interaction with the Client

It is a known fact that the success of any project in the field of brand communication depends on the performance of the entire team, and the contractor’s competence is only one of the components.

01. At the very beginning of work on the project, we, together with the client, create the project team as part of which we determine the key responsible persons from both the client’s and contractor’s parts with the well-defined functions/roles.

02. The client is provided with a detailed schedule of works on the project with the defined approved deadlines for each working stage.

03. If and when necessary, we arrange working “brainstorm” sessions, where the parties reach a mutually agreed decision.

04. All key aspects of mobile application implementation shall be settled on the basis of a mutually reasonable position.
